Bill Hader as Barry Berkman / Barry Block, a depressed Marine turned low-level hitman who finds himself drawn towards human connection among a community of aspiring actors.Lonely and dissatisfied with life, he travels to Los Angeles to kill a target and ends up 'finding an accepting community in a group of eager hopefuls within the L.A. Stephen Root as Monroe Fuches, an old family friend of Barry's who groomed him for a career as a hitman after Barry left the Marines.Barry longs to put his criminal history behind him to become a full-time performer, but can't seem to stop his bloody past from creeping into the new life he tries to build for himself.
Sarah Goldberg as Sally Reed, an aspiring actress in Barry's acting class.Fuches is cowardly and self-centered, often dragging Barry back into a life of crime to serve his own personal interest, be it money, power, or revenge. Glenn Fleshler as Goran Pazar, the leader of the Chechen mafia who employs Barry to kill a man who has been sleeping with his wife.Sally is focused on becoming a famous actress.